Congratulations! You have joined a network marketing company. A common problem many newbies experience when they start is that they don’t want to bug their friends and family with their new business venture. This is very understandable, but an objection that is easy to remedy. So how do you avoid this? One common mistake that newbies make when they first get started is they “verbally vomit” on anyone who comes into their path. The opportunity and the products they offer dominate their conversations with people. Thi
s can become tiresome, annoying and just rude. When having conversations with others, carefully and thoughtfully insert your new company into the conversation. When people hear your excitement in your newest venture, many will want to hear more. Read their body language and listen to what they say. Are they interested in learning more? If they are, great. Get their contact information and set a date and time to discuss your company and services further. The worst thing you can do is corner someone at a party and talk her ear off. I actually know someone who was corned in a coat closet while someone was “sharing” her opportunity! What was this woman thinking? She certainly was not going to get a new client or consultant this way. This person wanted to run away but couldn’t!
Some people will not be interested in your company and its opportunity. Don’t take it personally. Remember, many people who say “no” are really telling you “not right now”. It can take between 8-12 touches before a person buys or joins your team.
Here are some ideas on how to spread the word you are now open for business in a non threatening way.
- Post a facebook announcement about your big news! You have signed up as a consultant and you are so excited! Put a link to your website for friends and family to find out more.
- Host a business launch. You are officially open for business. Just like a brick and mortar store, have a grand opening introducing you, your business and the products or services you offer. Invite people to your home and launch yourself. Invite your sponsor to come help you with details and educating your guests. Ask her to help you get off to a good start. Keep the launch simple and to the point. Avoid too much food and drink. Keep people focused on the task at hand which is getting educated on your new business. Follow up with people who attended and with people who couldn’t come so that you can continue to spread the word and find customers and consultants.
Network marketing is about building genuine relationships with people and providing them information. You are not bugging anyone. You are simply looking for people who are looking for you. In order to do that, you must share your excitement and your company! Let your friends and family know what you are up to and see who is interested in what you have to offer. It is that simple.
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