Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Snow Days with Your Kids and Maximizing Your Business

In the news this week is the prediction of a storm that could blanket the east coast. We have hardly had a flake this winter and the weather has been balmy. It has been very bizarre. The thought of any accumulation makes my children giggle and chortle with glee. For me? Not so much. I don't know about you, but the thought of being stuck in the house with my kids, while fun for a while, gives me anxiety. Pass the wine please.

When it comes to entertaining children and being stuck inside, which can be a challenge, snow days really are a boon for our network marketing businesses. Why? Rachael, are you crazy? Well, yes, I am, and my husband would confirm that, BUT, think about what everyone else is doing on a snow day! NOTHING! They are cooped up their houses bored, watching TV and checking the internet. They are also HOME. 

Why not maximize this opportunity! Here you have a captive audience who is searching for something to do and be interested in. Fill that void for them by putting up fun and engaging posts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Conduct a virtual business opportunity meeting with Periscope and invite people to attend virtually for that snowy evening. This is also a great time to use spare moments to make phone calls. Is there someone you have been playing phone tag with? Is there someone you never have time to call because your schedules don't match up? They match up today!

So let's make snowy lemonade out those snow day lemons. Leverage your business and have fun with your kids.  

And you know what? You are an angel because you are a mom doing her very best. This is true today and every day. Remember that! Now go make a snow angel. 

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