Have you heard the term “verbal vomit”? It is a used in network marketing to describe a person who will not stop sharing her business with someone. For example, Jane has just joined xyz company. She is so excited. It is all she thinks about and talks about. She is so pumped that she tells you about her new business and the limitless possibilities. She talks, and talks and talks, incessantly, without noticing that your eyes are glazing over. Cue hook from stage left to get rid of Jane.
We have all been there, myself included. You see the possibility your company can provide and you want to share it. You really want others to see it too. Then you verbally vomit on them and the prospects wish they were stuck in traffic over listening to this sales presentation.
What is the best way to go about sharing this with people with out turning them off? My general rule of thumb is to create relationships with people. Get to know the person and ask questions, even if it is the first time you have met her. What is she all about? Does she have a problem that your opportunity or products can solve? How can you help? People aren’t stupid and know when they are being sold.
After you have talked for bit Jane may ask you what you do. But if she doesn’t, elegantly drop your business into conversation and wait and see if she is intrigued and asks more questions.
When the subject of your business finally does come up, have a well crafted elevator speech. I usually say something like, “Well Jane, I have an at home business and I mentor other women and help them have at home businesses too.” Be direct and to the point and be true to you and what you stand for.
When the prospect inquires about what you do, then you can respond with a very brief over view. If she would like to hear more, then schedule a call, meeting or an email follow up for more information. Keep it short, sweet and to the point. Stay confident and postured.
But please, please, please, don’t verbally vomit on someone! It won’t get you anywhere.
I wish you success in your business!
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