Why, why, why. I have heard this word so many times. Has your upline asked you about your WHY? Do you need a why to achieve your network marketing dreams? Is this accurate?
YES! A million times, YES! Your WHY is connected to just about everything you do in your business. It is a very personal thing and something that you should know at the deepest level of your soul. So, here is the million dollar question. What is YOUR Why? Why are you doing this?
If you answered MONEY, then I think you should dig a bit deeper. Of course money is a reason, and a big reason because we should be paid for our work, but is it the real reason? For example, are you looking to spend more time with your family? To be fulfilled? To make your family proud of you? Is it to help others who can't help themselves? Is it to have time freedom? Many people work dead end jobs for the money and the benefits and they hate what they do. They aren't happy. Why does network marketing make you happy?
Most network markets love to help others. Every time you offer your opportunity, you are giving someone the chance to change her life in amazing ways. We can make a difference in the world. We can radiate positivity and happiness to others. We can help others help themselves. We can build ourselves up and live our wildest dreams. Wow! How exciting!
If you were to die today, (god forbid), would you be proud of what you have accomplished? Would you be proud of the life you have lead and what you have achieved?
So what drives you? Dig deep. What is your WHY?
Go get 'em network marketers!
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