Let's talk about goal setting for the summer. It gets crazy. The kids are home from school. You are going to camps, vacations, family visits and more. It is hard to keep track and it is EASY to lose track of the time! Before you know it school will be starting again, and your network marketing business will be an afterthought. How can you find the time?
Do not fret my friends! With a little planning, your network marketing business can sizzle all summer long. Follow these steps for success!
- Open you calendar and look at what you will be up to all summer long. Circle events where you know you will be connecting with people you haven't seen in a while. Circle activities where you can expand your connections and make new friends. Next, make meaningful connections with these people and get to know them. Drop your business into conversation if appropriate, or just get their contact information to keep in touch.
- Write down your goals for the summer. If you have a specific promotion you are working towards, or a sales target you want to achieve write it down.
- Now that you have your big goal in place, break it down into smaller chunks. For example, to reach that sales target, how many people are you going to have to talk to this summer. Write it down.
- Now that you have that number, break it into 3 months. How many people will you have to talk to per month? Then, how many people per week? How many people per day?
And voila! You have a road map to success! Remember, a summer that sizzles keeps the fire stoked for the fall as well. This will set you up for a successful fall too.
You can download a free copy of the GOALS SETTING SHEET HERE (It's on the RH side of the page) :Goals Setting Sheet
Have a fabulous activity filled summer Network Marketing Nation!
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